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The English word "manual" comes from the Latin word "manus," meaning "hand."

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Q: What English word comes from the latton manus?
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What English word comes from the Latin word manus?

Among other words, manual (by hand) and manufacture.

What does the root word for manual mean?

The root word for "manual" is "manus," which comes from Latin and means "hand."

What word comes from the latin manus?

Among other words, manual (by hand) and manufacture.

What is the word root for hand?

Manus is the Latin word for hand, and we use the word in many English words, like manipulate, manual work, even masturbation comes from it.Can't help with the origin of hand.

What is the English word for manus?

If "manus" is a Latin word, then "hand". If it's from one of the romance languages, "hand" is still a good guess. If it's from some other language, then you'd need to be more specific.

What is the Latin root word of manicure?

There are two roots here in 'manicure': 'mani' comes from manus, meaning "hand," and 'cure' comes from curare,meaning "to care for."

What is the Latin word for hand?


What does the root word of manual mean?

The Latin root word for the English word 'manual' is manus. The Latin word is a feminine gender noun that's in the singular number. It means 'hand'.

What does the root of manual means?

The Latin root word for the English word 'manual' is manus. The Latin word is a feminine gender noun that's in the singular number. It means 'hand'.

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