"Earbender" is slang for someone who talks a lot or is known for being overly chatty or persuasive. It is often used to describe someone who can easily bend another person's ear, or monopolize a conversation.
A person who talks less in Hindi can be referred to as "chup" or "khamosh."
Yes, "talks" can function as a verb in a sentence. It is the third person singular form of the verb "talk," used when referring to someone or something that is speaking or having a conversation.
The past tense of "talks" is "talked."
As a verb, the word 'converses' means 'to engage in conversation'. For example, "Alice converses with Bob." As a noun, 'converse' means 'a situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another'. However, this noun cannot be pluralised.
Negotiations are talks intended to end in an agreement. Examples are union contract negotiations (TV writer's strike) or diplomatic negotions (middle east peace talks).
Other concerns affect many nations. Such issues include climate change, pollution, and trade. Nations often hold talks with one another to discuss these matters. -ConnectED
The name of the song is "We Speak to Nations".
Front Page with Allen Barton - 2009 The President Talks Compromise in Debt Limit Negotiations Will Republcans Fold was released on: USA: 8 July 2011
It depends on the context. START was an acronym used for the phrase STrategic Arms Reduction Talks... a series of negotiations between the superpowers to agree to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by both sides.
The executive Branch.
SALT 1 refers to a round of negotiations called the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. between the United States and the Soviet Union with regard to limitations on ballistic nuclear weapons. SALT I refers to the first round of talks and led directly to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty as well as an interim agreement between the two powers.
Advocates of the Paris Peace Talk ultimately did not win out. While they began celebrating when Kissinger appeared to be backing down, talks of negotiations never came to fruition.
détente. (defined: the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations))
The Geneva convention is designed to help injured or sick troops that are fighting a war. ___ _____ _____ I also read somewhere that they also contibute with peace talks and/or negotiations. but I'm not 100%b sure on this.
He sent Henry Kissinger to begin secret negotiations with China and the Societ Union.
Henry Kissinger