The French translation for the name Roslyn is Roseline.
The French translation for the name Pedro is "Pierre."
The French translation of the name Simon is "Simeon."
The French translation for the name Nicole is also Nicole.
The French translation for the name Ralph is Raoul.
The French translation for the name Roslyn is Roseline.
The french translation is the same.
The French translation for the name Pedro is "Pierre."
The French translation of the name Simon is "Simeon."
a jack loom is called 'un métier à tisser' in French.
The French translation for the name Nicole is also Nicole.
The French translation for the name Ralph is Raoul.
it's not a French name
The French equivalent of Jack is Jacques.
The French translation for the name Logan is "Logan" - it remains the same in both languages.
The corresponding name in French is Marie.