Tagalog term of clue: palatandaan
Tagalog Translation of CLUE: bakas
The Tagalog word for "clue" is "patlang" or "tanda."
Tagalog translation of CLUE: pahiwatig: palatandaan
The Tagalog translation of "clue" is "tanda" or "patik."
Tagalog term of clue: palatandaan
Tagalog Translation of CLUE: bakas
The Tagalog word for "clue" is "patlang" or "tanda."
Tagalog translation of CLUE: pahiwatig: palatandaan
Tagalog translation of clue: pahiwatig; palatandaan
The Tagalog translation of "clue" is "tanda" or "patik."
The Tagalog term for "term" is "tuntun".
The Tagalog term for administration is "pamahalaan."
Tagalog term for lag:pagka-atraso
The tagalog term for donkey is asno/buriko
The Tagalog term for canny is "maalam" or "marunong."