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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 4mo ago

The Italian translation of 'Hello' on the telephone is 'Pronto'.

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Q: What is the answer to 'Hello' on the telephone when translated from English to Italian?
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"Hello! Your name is...?" in English is Ciao! Come ti chiami...? in Italian.

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What is 'Hello What's up' when translated from English to Italian?

Pronto is an Italian equivalent of 'Hello' on the telephone. It's considered an interjection that may be translated as 'Hello' and 'Are you there'. But it literally means 'ready, prepared'. It's pronounced 'PROHN-toh'.

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Ciao, Inglese! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, English!" The pronunciation will be "tchow* een-GLEY-sey" in Italian.*The sound is similar to that in the English noun "chow."