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The dictionary form of the word "do" is "do".

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Q: What is the dictionary form of the word do?
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What is the possessive form of the word dictionary?

The possessive form of the word "dictionary" is "dictionary's."

What is the plural possessive form of the word dictionary?

The plural form of the noun dictionary is dictionaries.The plural possessive form is dictionaries'.example: To answer questions, I consult many dictionaries' websites.

What is a basic form?

A basic form is a form of a word used as the headword in a dictionary.

What is the 12th word in the dictionary under the letter L?

Depends on which dictionary, doesn't it? In mine, the Oxford English Dictionary, it's "laan", an obsolete form of "lawn."

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"Terr" is not a standalone English word. It might be a misspelling or a shortened form of a longer word.

What is the word 'listen' when translated from English to Japanese?

Dictionary form = kiku Formal Present form = kikimasu

What is the singular possessive of dictionary?

The singular possessive form of "dictionary" is "dictionary's."

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Estimate is an English word that can be a noun and verb. By the accepted dictionary definition, the word estimate means to form an approximate judgement or opinion.

Can you add a word in the dictionary in Microsoft Excel?

Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.Yes you can add a word to the dictionary in Microsoft Excel.

What is the word 'steal' when translated from English to Japanese?

The verb "to steal" is nusumu. (Dictionary form.)

What is the plural form of swan?

According to Webster's Dictionary, the plural for the word "swan" is "swans".

Is the word pickle in the dictionary?

The word pickle is in the dictionary online and in the book dictionary