Enquiry and inquiry do not mean exactly the same thing. The en- prefix derives from French, whereas the in- form comes from Latin. According to the Macquarie Dictionary, some organisations such as newspapers tend to prefer the in- form, but a distinction should be made between, for example, an official inquiry and an informal enquiry. For example, a journalist will ring a PR professional and make an enquiry about a topic. Enquiry is used when asking a question or seeking information. Inquiry is for official investigations, IE the senate will hold an inquiry into fuel prices.
"Enquiries" is the British English spelling of the word, while "inquiries" is the American English spelling. Both words refer to the act of asking for information or seeking clarification on a particular topic.
The word "distinction" is a noun. It refers to a difference or contrast between similar things, or a recognition of excellence or uniqueness.
"Inquiry" is a noun.
The verb form of "distinction" is "distinguish."
Tense distinction refers to the grammatical contrast between different points in time in a language. It involves linguistic elements, like verb forms, that indicate when an action or state occurred in relation to the present, past, or future. Different languages may have varying degrees of tense distinction based on how they encode temporal information.
Enquiry is a spelling variant of Inquiry and American English usually uses inquiry.In the UK both are technically correct, but in general -- inquiry is used in relation to a formal inquest. Enquiry is used for the act of questioning.
These are two spellings of the same word. The word means to seek information by asking for it.
These days, the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the two. Enquiry means to ask a question, and inquiry is a formal investigation. Yet another difference lies in the etymological source of the prefixes 'en' and 'in'. 'En' comes from French, and 'in' from Latin. Inquiry has a formal and official ring to it, while enquiry is informal in its connotation. In general parlance, it is understood that enquire is to be used for 'asking', while inquire is what constitutes 'making a formal investigation'. In reality though, enquiry is preferred in British English, whereas the Americans are more comfortable with inquiry. As a matter of fact, it is only in British English that any attention is paid to the distinction. In US and Australian English, inquiry has, for all practical purposes, taken over. Another way of distinguishing between the two terms, is to know the differences between the Enquiry Based System of Education (ECB) and the Inquiry Based System of Education (ICB). At the ECB, the students are encouraged to be naturally inquisitive and curious, and base their queries on their innate desire to learn. In the latter case, the focus is on conforming to the syllabus, and asking questions which assist with that task, while not paying too much attention to attaining pure knowledge. If you wanted to find a place where you could order your visiting cards, you would make enquiries with your friends or business associates. On the other hand, if a former employer of yours were to withhold your dues, you would get an inquiry instituted against him by the relevant authorities. In spite of there being a clear distinction in the meanings of the two terms, people, more often than not, use them interchangeably. You could say that enquiry is a request for truth, knowledge or information, whereas an inquiry is an investigation into something. For the common man, the two are the same, and he could use the two terms for the same thing, without a thought, and be well understood by everyone. People that are more erudite and aware, would perhaps be more careful with their choice of terms, and use the one that is appropriate for the occasion. However, in certain matters, such as an official inquiry ordered by a court of law, you would think twice before replacing inquiry with enquiry. Summary: 1. Enquiry means asking a question, and inquiry is a formal investigation. 2. The prefix 'en' comes from French, and 'in' from Latin. 3. Enquiry is a request for truth, knowledge or information, whereas an inquiry is an investigation into something. 4. Enquiry is preferred in British English, whereas the Americans are more comfortable with inquiry. 5. In spite of there being a clear distinction in the meanings of the two terms, people often use them interchangeably.
The correct spelling is (singular) is inquiry and (plural) inquiries.NOTE: The British spell it with an en.
It used to be possible to work out a 3DS unlock key from the enquiry number using an algorithm. This is no longer possible, and now only Nintendo can match a key with an enquiry number.
An enquiry into the sudden death of a person is called an inquest.
"Enquiries" is the British English spelling of the word, while "inquiries" is the American English spelling. Both words refer to the act of asking for information or seeking clarification on a particular topic.
Scientific inquiry is a process of developing an explanation of a question in the natural world (or universe) by testing, investigating and collecting data that will either support or refute your original idea of what's going on. A non-scientific inquiry is one that does not use a systematic collection of evidence or one that tries to find answers to questions about things other than the natural world/universe, such as beliefs. "Is Enceladus a moon of Saturn?" is a scientific enquiry. "Did Jesus believe in Judaism?" is an nonscientific enquiry.
The Commission of Inquiry in South Africa investigates issues of public concern.
The noun forms of the verb to enquire are enquirer, enquiry, and the gerund, enquiring.
"Inquiry" is the more commonly used term in American English and is used to refer to asking questions or seeking information. "Enquiry" is more commonly used in British English with the same meaning. Both terms are interchangeable and can be used depending on the preferred spelling or regional dialect.
Nature of the enquiry refers to the type or topic of the query being made by an individual or organization. It helps to define the scope of the inquiry and guides how it should be addressed or resolved. It is important for determining the appropriate response or solution.