"Halli" in Kannada refers to a village or a rural area. It is commonly used to describe small settlements or agricultural communities in Karnataka, India.
If you are looking for meaning of glue, its "anTu" in Kannada.
"Which" in Kannada can be translated as "ಯಾವುದು" (yavudhu).
In Kannada, the word "Swarna" means gold.
The Kannada word "Likhith" or "Likhitha" means "written" or "scripted" in English.
"Skalana" in Kannada translates to "measurement" in English.
The meaning of Kannada word Aarushi is the first ray of the sun.
If you are looking for meaning of glue, its "anTu" in Kannada.
"Which" in Kannada can be translated as "ಯಾವುದು" (yavudhu).
In Kannada, the word "Swarna" means gold.
The Kannada word for the mobile phone is mobail phōn.
In Kannada, we would say ಅಸೂಯೆ - Asooye.
it mean 'for me'