The last name Szalai is of Hungarian nationality.
The last name Pierre is commonly associated with French nationality.
The last name Listwan is commonly found in Poland, therefore the nationality associated with this name is Polish.
The last name Islur does not correspond to a specific nationality. Surnames are not always indicative of nationality as they can be found across different countries and cultures.
The last name "Dingmon" does not correspond to any specific nationality. Surnames can be of various origins and may not always be tied to a specific nationality.
Nationality for the last name DAYUS
Nationality for the last name Mackin
Nationality of the last name Keane is Irish.
What nationality of the name marshall
The nationality of the last name Tyrell is from Scotland. Or If your looking for the nationality of Tyrrell... It"s nationality is English or maybe Irish!
The last name Szalai is of Hungarian nationality.
The nationality of the name Lorencz is Hungarian.
The nationality of the last name Terrero is Asturian-Leones. The meaning of the last name Terrero is mound of Earth.
The last name Hebert is commonly associated with French nationality.
It is of German nationality.
What nationality is bergmann