The prefix for "disconsolate" is "dis-."
"Dis" is a prefix meaning to do the opposite of or to remove. In the word "discredit," it is used to indicate a loss of credibility or reputation.
Some prefixes for trust are: antitrust, distrust, entrust, mistrust, and so on.
The prefix for "discredit" is "dis-."
The prefix of "discredit" is "dis-".
Some words with 'dis' prefix are:disasterdisbursediscarddisdaindiseasedisfavordisgustdisheartendisintegratedisjointeddislikedismaydisorganizeddisplaydisquietdisruptdissectdisturbdisuseddisyllabic
dis is all i can think of.
"Dis" is the prefix in dislike.
The prefix for "disconsolate" is "dis-."
"Dis" is a prefix meaning to do the opposite of or to remove. In the word "discredit," it is used to indicate a loss of credibility or reputation.
The prefix is dis-.
Some prefixes for trust are: antitrust, distrust, entrust, mistrust, and so on.
"Dis-" is the prefix in "discourage." Dis- being a negative prefix, so to take courage away from. As opposed to "En-courage." As in, to give courage to.
The prefix for "discredit" is "dis-."
The prefix of "discredit" is "dis-".
Yes, "dis-" is a prefix that is used to imply reversal or opposite meaning.
No, "dis-" is not a prefix in the word "discernible." The prefix in "discernible" is "dis-" which means "apart" or "away."