'How is it going' is translated to 'Wie geht es dir' in German.
"Wie geht es dir?" is how you would say "How are you?" in German.
How are you is translated with "Wie geht es dir?". The intonation in German is always on the first part of the word. The "?" on the end of the sentence is spoken like in English with a rising of the voice on the last word.
swiss german has many different dialects, so it really depends what region you're from. some examples: zurich: wi gahts (dir)? berne: wie geits (dr)? basel: wi gohts (dir)?
The Tagalog word for "English" is "Ingles."
Hallo wie gehts euch? = Hello how are you? (informal, plural)
"Ganz gut soweit und dir selbst" would be the reply to the question "Wie gehts" or "Wie geht es dir?"."Wie gehts" or "Wie geht es dir" translates as "How are you" (informal)."Ganz gut soweit und dir selbst" translates as "fine thank you and how are you".So the dialogue would be:Informal:"Wie geht`s?" "Ganz gut soweit und dir (selbst)?" (the word "selbst" is not necessary but not wrong though)Formal:"Wie geht es Ihnen?" "Ganz gut soweit und Ihnen?" (the word "selbst" would sound a little bit strange here).
Wie gehts Grossvater!
Wie geht es dir heute? Wie geht es ihnen heute?
Hallo! (Formal) Wie geht es Ihnen? pronounced "be gate s eenen" (Informal) Wie geht es dir? or just Wie gehts? "be gate s deer"
Its really Wie gehts It is a shortened version of the phrase 'Wie geht es Dir?' (informal) or 'Wie geht es Ihnen?' (formal) and can be literally translated as "how goes it for you?"Read more: What_does_Wie_geht's_mean_in_German
Wie gehts?
Wie geht's? is used for How are you?/ How's it going?/What's up?It is a shortened version of the phrase 'Wie geht es Dir?' (informal) or 'Wie geht es Ihnen?' (formal) and can be literally translated as "how goes it for you?"
Wie gehts?
"Wie Gehts es Inen?" The formal phrasing. "Wie Gehts?" the familiar form.
hallo, wie geht's = hello, how are you
'Wie gehts'?