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it is a Red or Ginger cat.

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Q: A cat has orange furWhat is true of the cat?
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Your cat has little worms in his furwhat are they?

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What colors are Garfield?

Garfield is depicted as an orange tabby cat with black stripes.

If you have a cat that is orange that has gold eyeswhat kind of cat is it?

orange cat with gold eyes, how rare is this?

Will you get a n orange kitten if you breed a tabby cat and a orange cat?

orange is sex linked dominate, a female orange cat will almost always have a few orange kittens, and a male orange cat can have orange daughters --- If the orange one is the mother, all the male kittens will be orange. If the orange is the father, you wont get any ginger kittens but you will get tortoiseshell female kittens.

What is a white bellied cat whose other parts are orange?

An orange and white cat.

Is true an adverb?

No, the word true is not an adverb.The adverb form of this word is truly.An example sentence is: "he was truly sorry for spilling the orange juice on the cat".

Who would win in a fight a cat or an orange?

The orange, as the cat will soon grow tired of batting an orange round the floor and give up.

Can a orange and white cat be a calico cat?

No. Calico is often large areas of white with two other colours, usually orange and black. The Calico colouring can be found in many different breeds of cat. If a cat is just orange and white, it is not a calico. The coat colour is likely a Red (orange) Tabby and White.

What color is hermiones cat.?

Her cat is orange and yellow

How do you get into the house with the orange cat on poptropica?

kill the cat

How much is a orange cat?

that depends on if it is a savanah cat or a domestic house cat. domestic "orange" cats can be anywhere from free to $50 and a savanah cat can be thousands of dollars

Who has a orange or yellow cat?