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Q: A large wild animal of the cat family with a spotted skin?
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Related questions

Which is the fastest animal which has big canines and spotted skin?

A cheetah is an extremely fast animal and has big canines and spotted skin.

Where is Rocky Mountain spotted fever mostly hide out of the culprit?

in the animal's and human's skin

What animal can eat an giraffe?

Lions, spotted hyenas, leopards and Nile crocodiles the grab them by there necks or legs and bite into their skin

Why giraffe has a long neck and spotted skin?

A giraffe has a long neck to reach the foliage on trees that is its staple diet. The spotted skin serves as camouflage.

Some dogs with spots have spotted skin in relation to where the spotted fur is so why doesn't a dog with black fur have black skin?

Why don't white people with dark hair have black skin?

Do yellow spotted lizards shed their skin?


How does a spotted salamander breathe?

they breath through there skin

How would you describe the pattern on a cheetah's skin?


What do you call an animal's skin?

hide animal skin

What Is A Giraffes Skin Colour Like?

Spotted, in the same pattern as their hair.

Was the first map made on parchment or animal skin?

animal skin

What part of an animal cell is similar to human skin?

The part of an animal cell that is similar to human skin would be the animal skin cells. The animal and human skin cells contain the same organelles.