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Well in my opinion (because I have never had one) siamese gerbils aren't any different from any other they should be mean unless if they have been neglected. Does that answer your question?

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Q: Are Siamese gerbils nasty
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Can gerbils give you hepatitis?

I don't know, but nasty humans can.

How about pets Siamese is a breed of?

If you're asking what other kinds of domestic animals have 'siamese' as a breed, the short answer is that rabbits and several species of pet rodents (rats, mice, gerbils etc) have the kind of markings found in Siamese cats. In these pets, it is called either 'himalayan' or 'colourpoint' markings.

What are the nicest gerbils?

I think that an older male and a much younger male gerbil are the nicest.. Female gerbils from my experience can be really mean and nasty to each other and you. Boys in general =much better.

What is a pet with cheek pouches?

They are different ones gerbils are out of the many. You can go to Google and type cheek pouches in and click on images. B.T.W some stuff are nasty.

What is the Hawaiian word for Siamese?

The Hawaiian word for Siamese is "Kanakaloka."

If my pet was a Siamese would I have a dog or a cat?

Siamese is a cat breed

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Siamese does not belong. Siamese is a cat and cannot breed with dogs.

Is a Siamese cat a mammal?

Siamese cats are mammals.

Is a Siamese a cat or a dog?

first of all, bread is a food and there is no Siamese bread. however Siamese is a cat BREED

Can a regular cat have a Siamese kitten?

No, a regular cat will not be able to give birth to a full Siamese kitten. At best, the kittens will be half-Siamese if one of the parents was a full Siamese cat. I have a calico female that mated with my male Siamese and when she gave birth to four kittens that looked like Siamese and one was coloured black. However none of these kittens are full Siamese.

Can anything live with gerbils?

Other gerbils.

Who invented gerbils?

Gerbils are an animal and can not be "invented".