It is a consumer. It eats grass
A buffalo is a primary consumer.
A consumer that eats producers is called a primary consumer. Water buffalo eat grass, which is a producer. This means that buffalo are primary consumers.
primary because secondary consumers eat animals and plants and butterflys dont eat animals (:
A buffalo is not a decomposer. It is a consumer.
the bullalo eats the grass the humen eats the buffalo and when the humon dies it turs in to soial andd the soial is turner in to grass
The largest producer and consumer of cattle and buffalo milk in the world is India.[Wikipedia]
Buffalo Technology produces computer products for business and consumer use. Some of the products that they manufacture are wireless routers, portable hard drives, network storage, and optical disk drives.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo BUffalo BUfallo Bufallo
Producer Hope it helps 😊