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The average litter is about six kits, but they can have up to a dozen.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Foxes have litters of pups (their babies).

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βˆ™ 12y ago

a litter of foxes is called a kite and one is called a kit i like it. not a cub or pup.

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βˆ™ 8y ago


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Q: Are fox litters called kits or pups?
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Like other fox babies, Arctic fox babies are called kits, pups or cubs.Young of Arctic foxes are referred to as "kits" or "pups".

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The proper name for baby foxes is kits. Sometimes they are called cubs or pups.

What do you call a baby fox?

Baby foxes are called kits, cubs or pups.The young are known as kits, pups or cubs.cub

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Baby foxes are called kits, cubs or pups.

What is the young of a fox?

Young foxes are called kits. They can also be called cubs, or pups. Foxes generally live to be 2-3 years of age in the wild. However, some live to be 10 years of age.

What are baby fox are called?

The babies (otherwise known as offspring) are called "kits", many people call them "pups" wich is improper way of calling them, so call them "kits" next time you're talking about them!

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Baby foxes are called kits, cubs or pups.

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The young of a vixen is called kits. They are born in litters that typically range in size from 3 to 6 kits.

What is another name for a baby fox?

Baby foxes are called kits, pups or cubs.

What is the limit of pups a mother Arctic fox can have?

Litters tend to average five to eight kits, but exceptionally contain as many as 25 (the largest litter size in the order Carnivora).

What are babies of a red fox called?

A Cub most commonly. Sometimes called a pup or a kit

What is the male and female of foxes?

Vixen.A female fox is called a vixen.Baby foxes are called kits (some times pups)A male fox is called a dog.