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No you cannot let dogs drink Clorox it will cause damage to the organs

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Q: Can Clorox and water be used in dog bath?
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Related questions

How do you give your dog a bath outside?

I use the hose. When my dog was a puppy, I filled a plastic tub with water and used that like a little bath tub.

How do you get your dog to drink water?

throw it in the bath.

Can water get in lungs on a dog in the bath?

It is possible but very unlikely. If a dog inhales the water then yes it will get into its lungs.

Will a dog get sick from licking Clorox?

Yes, licking or ingesting Clorox can be toxic to dogs and may cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and irritation of the mouth and throat. It's important to seek veterinary care if you suspect your dog has ingested Clorox.

It might take 50 of water to wash a dog?

It might take 50 gallons of water to wash a dog, or it might take 50 quarts to wash a dog. It depends on how much water you use, how big the dog is and how long their bath is.

Do you bath someone or bathe someone?

The correct term is "bathe someone." "Bath" is typically used as a noun referring to a container for washing or the act of washing oneself.

You put 2oz of Clorox in 15 gallons of water Will that harm a 90lb dog?

Yes, 2oz of Clorox in 15 gallons of water would be extremely diluted and unlikely to harm a 90lb dog if they were to drink some of the water. However, it's still recommended to prevent pets from drinking any water with cleaning products to avoid any potential risks.

How do you give a dog a milk bath?

It is not recommended to give a dog a milk bath. Milk can upset a dog's stomach and lead to digestive issues. Instead, stick to using dog-specific shampoos and conditioners when bathing your dog.

How to get my dog clean?

Wash your dog with dog shampoo. DO NOT use human shampoo!!! It is too strong for dogs. Then rinse your dog w/ warm water. Dry your dog with a soft towel afterwards. If your dog detests baths, reward it with a doggy treat after it takes a bath; it will most likely start to enjoy baths and get used to them.

If you had a dog that really stank and it refused to take a bath what would you do?

If a dog needs a bath because it stinks, a good remedy would be to take the dog to a dog groomer for a bath. The dog groomer has a special harness that keeps the dog still during bathing.

How can you get rid of dog wee on concrete floor?

Muratic acid. Or however you spell it. 1/3 acid/ water. Do not use if it is sealed or stained.

Can you drown fleas on a dog by using a specific method or product?

Yes, you can drown fleas on a dog by using a flea shampoo or by giving the dog a bath with warm soapy water. Fleas can be effectively killed by drowning them in water.