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no! certainly not.

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Q: Can dogs have lorazapan
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Can liquid lorazapan show up as an opiate on a UA?

No, lorazapam(ativan) is a Benzodiazepine. It is not a opiate. It is used to treat anxiety and in some cases panic attacks.

What is the possessive noun for where the dogs stay?

The possessive form of the plural noun dogs is dogs'.The dogs stay:in a dogs' kennelin the dogs' housesin the dogs' owners' housesin the dogs' cages at the pet shop

what is collective noun for dogs?

Collective nouns for dogs is a pack of dogs or a kennel of dogs. A list of collective nouns for dogs is: A kennel of dogs. (general) A litter of dogs. (puppies) A pack/cry/mute of dogs. (hounds) A cowardice of dogs. (curs) A pack of dogs. (wild)

What is the collective noun for dogs?

Collective nouns for dogs is a pack of dogs or a kennel of dogs. A list of collective nouns for dogs is: A kennel of dogs. (general) A litter of dogs. (puppies) A pack/cry/mute of dogs. (hounds) A cowardice of dogs. (curs) A pack of dogs. (wild)

What dogs are house dogs?

house dogs are dogs that live inside and not outside

Are all dogs k9s?

All dogs are canines. K9 refers to guide dogs, guard dogs, and police dogs.

Do dogs win in the movie cats and dogs?

The dogs win in the movie cats and dogs.

Can dogs get fleas?

Some dogs can. Not all dogs.

What is called a pack of dogs?

a pack of dogs is called a kennel

What kind of work do dogs do?

Therapy work, emotional support, sight dogs ,hearing dogs, seziure alert/support dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs , est.

What are some of the jobs that dogs can do?

Service dogs, bomb sniffing, drug dogs, military/ police dogs, rescue dogs, body sniffing dogs, show dogs.