No they do not. Male deer have antlers to fight for a female, protect them, and gain there love.
-----this was a brief answe from yours truly the bored kid doing homework and answering questions.......I am always accurate but I may not always have a ton of detail- and will be adding a mark on my answers.
Female moose don't have antlers.
only male dear (buck) have antlers. Female dear (doe) do not. Unless that female deer is a caribou. Both male and female caribou grow antlers.
The female
Female reindeer and caribou have antlers, all other types of deer do not have females with antlers.
A buck is a male deer, he also has antlers. A doe is a female deer, she does not have antlers.
nope, only male deers have antlers... The female Caribou grows antlers but they are thinner and shorter then the males. In some rare cases female deer can grow antlers. When the air starts to get cold the antlers will become brittle, cracked and will fall off.
sexual selection.
sexual selection.
The horns of a deer are called antlers.
A deer with branched horns or antlers is called a stag. Stags typically have larger and more complex antlers compared to female deer, or does.
It depends. Female deer dont have antlers, and they are called doe. If you are reffering to an antlerless buck, he is called a budling buck.
You can get the deer antlers in the catalog. The antlers are called Silverthorn Antlers.