Neither. Octopus will rest while digesting a meal or waiting for an opportunity to present itself, but they do not experience r.e.m. sleep. Their life consists mostly of hunting, eating, mating and fleeing or hiding from predators. There are varieties of octopus that thrive in ocean depths beyond the reach of sunlight.
He sleeps at night
A gorilla sleeps at night and is active during the day.
Diurnal animals are active during the day and sleep at night.
The sun
Traditionally fictional vampires eat at night and sleep in the day
They don't sllep all day or all night
A beaver eats, sleeps, and uses the bath room. This is what it does during the day and night.
it sleeps at night but may rest during the day
if it sleeps a lot in the day but is active a lot at night.
his eyes look bright in the night as he sleeps in the day
Because it sleeps during the night
an owl that sleeps in the day but is up at night. hence the statement nightowl.