No. Rabbits should be given water as well as food.
Rabbits will get some moisture content from their food if they are eating fresh veggies and grasses. Dew that collects on grasses can also be a water source. BUT rabbits need much more water to survive than they can acquire from food. They must have a fresh clean water source all the time.
Some rabbits do like going in water, but most rabbits don't. It's dangerous to make your rabbits do something they don't like because they can panic and injure themselves; also, they won't trust you afterwards, and a mistrustful rabbit is not a fun pet. There are other risks associated with getting wet, even if your rabbit does like the water: e.g. ear infection, or hypothermia.
Another answer: no. they hate it. once my bunny almost died fighting to get out of water
Yes, rabbits need water to survive. Rabbits get some water content from the fresh greens they eat, but they should also have unlimited 24/7 access to fresh water in a clean bottle or bowl.
In the winter, make sure the water doesn't freeze (eating snow is not like drinking water, and it's dangerous!); in the summer, make sure the water is cool (throw in an ice cube now and then; rabbits don't like warm water).
If you notice your rabbit isn't drinking much water, consult the vet as soon as possible for advice, and possible testing.
If your rabbit has stopped drinking water, this is an emergency: go the vet's immediately! In off-hours (nights, weekends, holidays), bring the rabbit to a local 24/7 emergency vet hospital for subcutaenous fluids at least until your vet's available. (Experiened rabbit owners may choose to skip the hospital and hydrate their rabbit at home; consult your regular vet as soon possible, either way.)
See the related questions/links below for more info.
fresh, clean water.
if they drink alot of water
It depends how old your rabbit is. It can have milk when it is extremely young, but when it gets older, you need to give is water.
Water and only water. sometimes you may give them special vitamin mix for rabbits in their water but do not let them drink anything else because if you do they will get sick
you just put its water bottle on the side of the cage and eventully your rabbit will try and suck it and it will reconise that it is a supply of water just give the rabbit time to ajust to it :) hope your happy with my answer
They only drink water, you can give them tap water but not water from the hose. And don't give the rabbit filtered water, because it's hard for them to switch back to unfiltered water.
The rabbit may be introduced to certain minerals that affect the taste of the water. If he finds the taste objectionable he will not drink, if he does not drink he will not eat (called going off his feed). To help keep the taste of the water the same (and keep your rabbit eating) certain electrolytes can be added to the water regularly OR a small amount of flavored jello can be added to mask the taste and therefore mask the taste when you are traveling (showing) your rabbit.
The wild species of rabbit commonly called the jack rabbit often live in arid and semi-arid parts of the world. As such, many types of jack rabbit have adapted to extracting much of their necessary water intake from the food they ingest and so they may appear to not drink as often as their domestic cousins. However, when water is available, they will drink as often as they feel thirsty, usually daily like any other mammal.
If it's used to rabbit nipple, it may never. But if you're lucky it will get hungry and drink from it in a day or so.
It can drink water when it is six weeks old. And can start eating solid food when it is 18 days old but, will still suckle from its mother.
Yes she will. Rabbits are a living thing and they need water to survive like humans.
No, they do not drink anything else but water! At least, they're not supposed can harm your rabbit. I have raised rabbits for years. Currently raising 2 rabbits and 3 baby bunnies. They only drink water. Don't feed them milk.. they only drink milk from their mother when they are only a few weeks old.