No. In their native habitat, sugar gliders do eat small insects, but ants are not among their normal diet.
Sugar gliders should not eat chicken.
Sugar gliders should not be given yoghurt. Apart from the obvious fact that they do not eat yoghurt in the wild, yoghurt contains milk sugars which may not be suitable for sugar gliders.
Sugar gliders are unlikely to be interested in tomatoes. They are not at all sweet, and sugar gliders prefer foods with fructose and other forms of sugar in them. For a list of what food sugar gliders in captivity eat, see the related link.
No, cherry trees are not safe for gliders.
Yes. Sugar Gliders will try to eat just about anything, this can cause them health problems if they get into anything harmful.
no way
Although sugar gliders are omnivores, feeding mostly on fruits, nectar and insects, they do not eat earthworms. They will eat mealworms. For more information on sugar glider diets, see the link.
No, sugar gliders should not be given cheese. They are herbivores and insectivores, and their bodies are not made to process lactose.
Sugar gliders are nocturnal, so they are awake at night and that is when they eat. Sometimes they might wake up during the day and grab a little snack, but we feed our pet gliders in the evening, so they have something to eat when they wake up.
I have two male sugar gliders. They both eat green beans. (they would rather have sweets of course! I always make them eat their veggies before they get fruits!)
Yes, they can eat corn.