it is a mamal, so it is born right out of the mother (normally on land) and it begins its life imeditally.
yes sea otters can see when they are born and you can see there teeth when there born as well
yes, sea otters have young sea otters called pups
No, otters are mammals, and so give birth to live young.There are a few mammals that lay eggs, Platypus is one...probably what you are thinking of...there are a few more but they are not commonly known. No, otters give birth to live young.
Baby otters are called pups.
A pair of Asian otters will have babies once or twice per year, and the litter size can vary from one to six pups. They have a lifespan of about 11 to 16 years. Pups stay with their parents until the next litter is born. Therefor, a single pair of Asian otters could have as many as 90 pups during their lifetime.
How many pups an otter has depends on the species: * North-American river otters typically have 1-3 pups, and up to 6 at a time. * Eurasian river otters typically have 1-4 pups at a time. * Sea otters normally have only one pup at a time, although twins are not unheard of (however, one of the pups is always abandoned, because an otter mother can only care for one at a time). * Asian small-clawed otters usually have 1-2 pups, but can have up to 4 at a time. * Spotted-necked otters have around 3 pups at a time. * Giant otters normally have 2 pups, but are known to have between 1-5. * Smooth-coated otters, Marine otters, and African clawless otters each typically have 2-5 pups at a time. * Little is known about the hairy-nosed otter, the southern river otter, the neotropical otter, all of which are endangered species.A sea otter typically bears only one pup at a time. Sometimes a sea otter will have twins; however, in these cases, one of the pups will be abandoned, for a sea-otter mother can care for only one pup at a time.Sea Otters usually have one pup. In cases where two are produced the outcome is not good. Only about 2% survive.
It is to show that they have been there. Also it's because they do this also to mate and to protect the pups.
Otters generally range anywhere from skittish to playful, but they are still wild animals. The can be dangerous when scared or cornered, especially if there are pups nearby. As a general rule, never approach any wild animal.
The Western Long-Headed river shark eats Otters, Otters are mainly targeted torwards bears, and other cernivores
Sea otters usually have on pup at a time. In 2% of births, however, they have two pups, although usually only one survives. In California, sea otters may have two births per year, but in cold climates like the Arctic they only have one.
24 pups at once
16 pups