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Q: How are young humpback whale different the adult humpback whale?
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How many young does a humpback whale have a year?

Usually one a year.

What are a humpback whale's predators?

Killer Whales sometimes each young humpback whales. Men also hunt whales.

Who would win in a fight between a humpback whale and a shark?

a shark would as all a humpback whale can do is use its tail as a diffance mechanism. great whites have attack a humpbacks young despite the tail waps

What are a whale's predators?

Killer Whales sometimes each young humpback whales. Men also hunt whales.

Does a humpback whale know how to swim right away?

All the data I've reviewed and researched about the Humpback Whale indicates that the young or "calf" knows how to swim when they are delivered into the ocean during birth. The mother's or cow's main duties are to protect and feed her young/calf, for the next five to seven months until weaning.

What are the different age level from birth to young adult?

the different age levels are baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder

How are a humpback whale young born?

Whales, like all mammals, give birth to live young. The calves are pushed out of the uterus through labor contractions. After birth, the whale calves are encouraged to swim upwards to draw their first breath of air, then begin to nurse from the mother.

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how do cougars look different from there young

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Do white whales eat humpback whales?

While there are white whales - like the Belugas, it's not a recognized species name. Natural variety sometimes create individuals that have a whiter/brighter hue than the norm for the species. Possibly even Albino specimens. The Great White Whale of the novel Moby Dick is supposed to be a white(ish) sperm whale. And since not all whales would be able to eat chunks of meat even if they tried - due to being baleen whales, filter feeders - it's impossible to say if a white whale would have a go at a humpback whale. No, only killer whales and sharks eat humpback whale calves. The kills usually happen in humpback whale feeding grounds (cold, polar, waters). Sharks occasionally prey on really young calves, but killer whales are a much bigger threat.

What environment do humpback whales live in?

The Humpback Whales live incoastal orcontinental self waters.

What is a young blue whale?

A young blue whale is called a calf.