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They swim after it, as other seals do. They are highly maneuverable in the water.

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Q: How do elephant seals catch their prey?
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Can elephant seals eat people?

Hugely unlikely, bordering on impossible. Elephant seals swallow their prey whole, They don't have the teeth to take a human apart into edible chunks.

What do female elephant seals look like?

Female Elephant seals (called cows) weigh 1 tonne and can be 3.5 metres long! They have silvery skin and big black eyes which help to hunt their prey!

Why are elephant seals are gray?

Because elephant seals are gray.

How does a predator catch an elephant?

the predator catches their prey by crouching down and sneaking up on the animal

What eats elephant seals?

Killer wales eat elephant seals

Who are the prey of the elephant?

the elephant does not have prey They are vegetarians

Why are elephant seals called elephant seals?

They are called elephant seals because they have long noses like a regular elephant.

What animals prey upon seals?

Leopard seals, Killer whales, and humans prey upon seals.

What is elephant seals subphylum?

The elephant seals belong to the subphylum Vertebrata, which includes animals with a backbone or spinal column. They are characterized by having a well-developed skeleton that supports and protects their body.

What is the height of southern elephant seals?

The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6" The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6"

What is the penguin a prey to?

leopard seals preys on them and their prey is fish.

Do leopard seals prey on other seals?

Yes! they prey on young Antarctic Fur seals, Crabeater Seals, Ross Seals And Weddell Seals