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The sugar glider would need to be seen by an experienced exotic vet, where medication would likely be given.

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Related questions

Is the sugar glider an exotic animal?

Sugar gliders are not regarded as exotic within Australia, because they are native to Australia. Sugar gliders are only exotic to countries outside of their native habitat. This would include the UK or the USA.

How do sugar glidars fly?

They have webbed glider things that stretch from their feet to their hands and help them glide like flying squirrels. P.S> They don't fly...they glide

How are you helping sugar glider possums?

Sugar gliders are common in their native country of Australia, and they are not in any need of help. The best way to help sugar gliders is to stop keeping them as pets overseas. Sugar gliders are becoming more common in the wild in some US states because, when people tire of them, they release them into the wild. These delicate creatures have specialised needs and are best kept within their native environment.

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What does it mean if your sugar gliders belly fur has turned yellow?

You are feeding your sugar glider the wrong diet. These are delicate animals which should not be kept in captivity, and they suffer easily from stress, requiring a specialised diet not only for nutrition, but to help them cope with the stresses of being kept in a confined space.

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they had their own bicycle shop and noticed a glider in the air and then they thought of a more advanced design for the glider. A glider with the help of a motor attached to it!

How is infection with worms treated in alternative medicine?

Dietary modifications help to rid a person of worm infection. Processed foods and foods that contain sugar, white flour, and milk products should be avoided.

How does the glider help us today?

By air travel. It can help us get to far away places.

How can a glider fly forward?

The same way as bicycle goes downhill without pedalling. Some upward air current can help the glider to get decreased altitude back.

What is the importance of drugs in body?

They can help in the prevention of infection help the body cure infection help relieve pain

How can gliders fly without engine?

Gliders don't have an engine. They need help to get up in the air but then it's up to the wing design and the air flow to keep them flying. One way that gliders get up into the air is called an aero-tow. A rope connected to a glider is attached to a regular plane. The glider pilot releases the rope when the glider is at the right altitude. Then the glider changes direction away from the airplane and flies on its own. Another way to launch a glider is called winch launching. The glider is attached by a long cable to a winch. A winch is a machine that's used for lifting things. The winch is activated and pulls the glider until it takes off. Then the pilot releases the cable and flies off without any further help. Once the glider takes off, the wings are the most important part. They keep the glider up in the air by creating "lift" so that the weight of the glider won't drag it down.

What is infection prevention?

Infection prevention is taking preliminary actions to help not getting an infection.