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Q: How do you make a shih tzu coat longer?
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How many coats does a Shih Tzu have?

a shih tzu has two coats the lower coat is curly while the top coat is long and straight

What age does a shih tzu have the coat its going to have?

about 9months- a year

What is the physcal Features of a shih tzu?

Shih Tzu is a small, sturdy and beautiful dog. Its body is slightly longer then its height.

Which dogs made a shih tzu?

None, a Shih-tzu is a Shih-tzu. But it can be mixed with other dogs.

what is the common name of shih tzu?

The Shih Tzu

How do you spell Shih zu?

The correct spelling is "Shih Tzu".

What is the plural of Shih Tzu?

The plural of Shih Tzu is "Shih Tzu". "Shih Tzu" was originally a Chinese word and Chinese words do not have separate singular and plural forms.

Do shih tzu's have an undercoat?

Yes, Shih Tzu has an undercoat.

What do Shih Tzus look like?

A Shih Tzu is a small dog with soft long double coat. It has a short muzzle, like that of a Maltese. A Shih Tzu puppy has a slightly curled tail, but when it gets older the tail will eventually curl up on the back of the dog. Their drop ears are covered with very long fur. Most Shih Tzu have a blaze of white on their forehead and on their tail. Shih Tzu are longer than they are taller. Their long fur needs daily brushing to avoid tangles and they need regular grooming which may cost a very large expense. If you are deciding to buy this kind of dog, please make it necessary to consider what it might cost for their daily needs.

How are girl shih tzu bigger than boy shih tzu?

usally girl shih tzu may look bigger tha boy shih tzu but there not it's just there hair that makes them look big

What two dogs make a shorkie?

Shih tzu and a yorkie.

Can shih tzu eat bread?

Yes. Shih tzu are usually REALLY picky about food. My shih tzu hates bread because he is very picky.