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a you have to do is get 14 summoning and you can talk to pet dogs

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Q: How do you talk to your pet dog in runescape?
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How can you get a pet in RuneScape?

talk to the pet shop owner in taverly

Do you talk to your dog if not do you think that's silly?

You should talk to your dog, it is good for you and your pet, you will find that with the correct encouragement you pet dog will begin to understand certain things you say.

RuneScape when can a dog attack?

If you are talking about the pet dogs such as bulldog or sheepdog they can never attack.

Will a pet dog sit in a cat basket on runescape?

Nope, since it is strictly a "Cat Basket".

How do you talk to a guinea pig?

Just talk to it like you would a pet dog or cat.

Why is goofy a dog and can talk but Pluto is a dog and he is a pet and he cant?

It is television. These things don't have to be explained.

Who do you talk to if you have no friends?

Simple. Talk to a pet. Weather it be a dog, cat, or bird, especially a bird because you can teach them to talk.

How do you get a dog on RuneScape?

To get a pet dog on Runescape you will need to complete the "Wolf Whistle" Quest which in turn, unlocks "Summoning" skill, then head on to Yanillle ( you can get there almost quickly by watchtower teleport of ring of dueling to "Castle Wars", then go to pet shop there to buy a dog, bring around 5000gp, shouldn't be that much, but just in case.P.S The "Wolf Whistle" quest is fairly easy.

What are all the possible conversations with the Saradomin Owl and Zamorak Hawk in RuneScape?

They don't talk, they are just like any other pet.

How to talk about your pet in french?

To talk about your pet in French, you can say "J'ai un animal de compagnie" (I have a pet) followed by the type of pet you have. For example, "J'ai un chat" (I have a cat) or "J'ai un chien" (I have a dog). You can also talk about their characteristics by saying "Mon animal est très joueur" (My pet is very playful) or "Ma chienne est très affectueuse" (My female dog is very affectionate).

How do you feed your pet dog on RuneScape?

Check out this website for your answer. I think it's really helpful. I use it all the time.

Is it possible to get an animal to talk to you in RuneScape?

Yes, some animals will talk in RuneScape.