The nose openings are two slits that act like shut off valves at the top of the nose, and will clamp shut in a tight seam, to close out the water. We do the same thing when we clamp our nose closed with our fingers when we want to hold our breath.
They have a leathery flap of skin over the ear openings on the side of the head, which protects them from damage, it doesn’t keep out water because the flap is an open slit towards the rear. The actual ear canal is covered over by the tympanum also called the eardrum.
A crocodile has a special membrane that protects his eyes. He can also close his nose.
A crocodile has a special membrane that protects his eyes. He can also close his nose.
vanpirs can turn in to 27 diffrent animals
Their ears and nostrils are able to close to prevent water from getting in them.
Yes. Believe it or not, frequent/recurrent ear infections (sometimes caused by water, such as going into a pool or taking a shower and getting water in your ears) can be the main cause of getting tubes in your ears. Getting tubes in your ears is a surgical procedure with no side effects (with the exception of vomiting due to the anesthesia). Talking from personal experience, there are no negative consequences to getting tubes with the exception of having to be more careful in and around water.
Yes, but only after they have healed.
Ear plugs
Getting water into a dogs ears is the same as getting water into your ears, the dog should be able to get it out by shaking its head, but if there is some damage in the ear and the water is dirty, the ear could become infected. Never deliberately pour water into a dog's ears, if you have to clean them do this with a damp cloth. If there is a problem with you dogs ears take to to see a Vet.
your ears will start to hurt underwater because the water pressure is getting stronger pushing against your inner ear causing an uncomfortable sensation.
Main problem would be getting too much water in their ears.
All animals have ears but not all of them have outer ears though a lot of animals do have outer ears. animal that do not have visible ear are whale,snake, crocodile,dolphin and lizard