A Grizzly bear does not have many predators other than Man and other bears. A grizzly will usually first charge at its predator to scare them away. If that does not work, they will use their claws, teeth and weight to defend themselves.
It is the top of the food chain and it only has man to worry about.
human ,wolf or mountain lion
None, with the exception of humans. They are at the apex of the food chain.
The rhinoceros is the strongest and most protective animal. They protect their young and their family at all costs.
With its claws, teeth, and massive size.
cause elk are bigger than the big grizzzly bear
Grizzlies don't only growl to protect their cubs, they will be ready to kill for their cubs!
Grizzly bear
A Grizzly Bear is big but, if you measure them side by side, the Polar Bear is seven inches taller than the Grizzly Bear.
Grizzly bear is not poisonous.
No. A grizzly bear is one of the largest North American land predators and will always tip the scales more than even a large male black bear could. The largest grizzly was recorded to have weighed around 1200 lbs, whereas the largest black bear ever recorded only weighed around 800 lbs.