Mine became larger, darker, and had little bumps on them before I even knew I was pregnant...(Roughly when I was 4 and a half to 5 weeks pregnant. That is 2 and a half to 3 weeks after conception)
Kookaburras are birds. Birds do not become pregnant.
i did and i am doing fine! there are also people bigger who fall pregnant! as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle of gentle excersise sich as walking and healhy foods you and your baby will be fine!
Immediately. You can become pregnant at any time in your cycle.
Peahens do not become pregnant, they lay and sit on eggs.
Ladybirds lay eggs and do not become pregnant (they do not give birth to live young).
As long as the semen is contained in the condom and none leaked out, then you should not be pregnant,
Resources available for one desiring to become pregnant are - Kosomlitics, Jenzo, Zetarnis, Pregnant Lady, Keltin, Jurfings, Polingmen, JDS and Long Love.
They are pregnant for 3 sim days, at the end of the first two days she gets a bigger belly, and on day three there is the baby.
A cat can become pregnant as soon as a week after giving birth. It is important to spay or neuter cats to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
as long as the girl has her menstruation ansd is healthy she can get pregnant despite her age
Yes. Anytime you ovulate you can become pregnant. It has nothing to do with how long your period lasts.
They have been no to become smaller.