145 days.
492 days
From January 1, 1952, to April 25, 2010, there have been 21,299 days.
Those dates are 6,700 days apart.
Those dates are 176 days apart.
Those dates are 260 days apart.
Since April 5, 2008 until today January 7, 2010 there have been 642 days. Apr 5 - Dec 31 2008 = 270 days 2009 = 365 days Jan 1 - Jan 7 2010 = 7 days
It started on Earth Day, April 20, 2010. It has now been 71 days as on June 29, 2010.
702 days since May 4 2008 (from April 6 2010).
As today is December 20, 2010 it has been 310 days since February 13. 2010.
This question was asked and answered on the 27th of April, so it has been 27 days since March.
On the day the question was asked, the 12th of October 2011, the answer was 554 days. On the day it was answered, the 29th of October 2014, the answer was 1,698 days.