4 dogs and 3 cats
there are twice as many dogs, lowest common denomonator is two. 500 cats, 1000 dogs.
cats and dogs
5 dogs
in mii eyes there are too many cats &dogs getting abandond on the streets
not very many people have cats in Canada becaous the like dogs more Lots people misunderstanding about cats. They don't know anything about cats and they said they don't like cats. That's are stupid Canadian, American and British most of time
20 dogs 25 cats
I'd say alot more than 100,000 homeless. :(
18 cats,22 birds and 36 dogs....
If non-dogs mean creatures that are not dogs then all cats are non-dogs, yes.Cats and dogs are two completely different species.There are many cats who think they are dogs (only when it suits them) and vice versa, that is why there is a saying: Dogs have Masters, Cats have slaves!!
The Aztecs did eat cats and dogs but they weren't the only ones many other cultures ate cats and dogs this is true by the way.