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Q: How many hours is the longest recorded song of beluga whales?
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How long can beluga whale's last under water without breathing?

Male Beluga Whales usually live around 35 years in the wild and 45 in captivity. Female Beluga Whales usually live around 45 years in the wild and 55 in captivity. The longest living beluga whale recorded was called Mejay and lived at SeaWorld San Antonio and died in 1997 at 87 years old and the record age for the wild is 71 years old made by a female beluga whale.

What is the longest techno remix ever recorded?

The longest techno remix ever recorded is 10 hours and was posted on YouTube by MrCrapentertainment on July 17, 2012. The 10 hours of music includes techno and hardstyle.

What is the longest recorded burp?

There is no official record for the longest recorded burp. Burps are spontaneous and often not intentionally measured or recorded in a formal setting.

What is the longest whale song ever recorded that is real?

It was recorded for 24 hours non stop, that was the blue whal ( male).

What is the longest meow recorded?

its my meow. i meow for like, 700 hours im awesome

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There is no record currently set for the longest game of Risk, though the longest reported game lasted over twelve hours.

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The longest night of my live was when i was going to Antigua cause the flight was delayed. Me and me and my family were stuck in the airport for about 12 hours

What was the longest shower ever?

The longest shower ever recorded lasted for 341 hours and 40 minutes. It was achieved in a competition in Switzerland in 2018.

What is the longest msn conversation ever recorded?

5 hours, straight.... 10:00 P.M. to 3 A.M.

Whats the longest movie ever recorded?

The Cure for Insomnia (1987) which has a total running time of 85 hours.