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Q: How much does a cord of kiawe wood cost?
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How much for a core of fire wood cost?

The price of a CORD of firewood will vary in different areas, and vary with the type of wood. Here in central Virginia it is $150-$200 per cord of seasoned oak or hickory firewood. A cord of wood is a stack 4 ft x 4ft x 8 ft.

How much is a cord of wood?

A cord of wood is worth around $180. The price may be different depending on the type of wood, as well as the season.

How much should splitting 3 cord of wood cost?

I'd say around $80 per cord, though I wouldn't want to do it less than $150. Only experience is watching my father chop wood as a kid in NY. We also had it delivered, split by the cord sometimes.

How much does a cord of hickory wood weigh?

A cord of hickory wood typically weighs between 4,500 to 5,000 pounds, depending on the moisture content of the wood.

How did kiawe wood get to Hawaii?

Prosopis pallida is a bush or small sized tree native to Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, commonly called 'Kiawe' or 'American Carob'.It was deliberately introduced in Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Australia as a source of firewood and to provide shade, thriving in the dry sandy conditions of those countries. The first kiawe trees were planted in Hawaii in 1828.

Cord of wood?

whats a cord of wood

What is the difference in a bush cord of wood and a cord of wood?

a cord of wood is 4ftx8ft by 16 inches deep a bush cord is 4ftx8ftx4ft

How much does a cord of eucalyptus wood weigh?

A cord of eucalyptus wood typically weighs around 4,000 to 5,000 pounds, depending on factors such as moisture content and wood density.

How much wood in a cord?

A cord of wood is generally 8 feet long, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet wide. The wood is cut into 16 inch lengths. The amount of wood in the cord varies depending on the type of wood but the wood must occupy a space of 128 square feet.

How much wood can fit onto a 4x8 trailer?

1 Cord.

How much ash comes from a cord of burned wood?

Approximately 5-10 pounds of ash are produced from burning a cord of firewood, depending on the type of wood and how well it is burned.

What is the volume of a cord of wood?

a cord of wood is equal to 128 cubic feet of neatly stacked wood.