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Why in the world would you want to do that? How about training the dog?

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Q: How much does it cost to devocalize a dog?
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How much does it cost to devocalize your dog?

You're better off trying to train your dog to stop barking, there are many alternatives to debarking. (Which in my opinion is pretty cruel and not necessary). You can purchase such things like 'bark off' which transmits a frequency to stop your dog from barking (I've never tried it before but I've heard it works on most dogs) what I did with my dog was bought a bottle of 'bitter bite'. It's a sour apple spray, and every time my dog was barking unnecessarily, I'd firmly tell him to stop and spray the bitter bite in his mouth. He learned pretty quick and is a lot better now.

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It would cost around $200 to $600 for a fake leg for a dog.

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It depends they can cost between 600 and 10000

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A lotPlenty of money