The platypus most of its time searching for food as it must eat about 20% of its own weight in food each day, while a lactating female must eat the equivalent of its own weight daily to meet its own energy needs. So, for an average 1kg platypus, not a lactating female, that means it must consume at least 250g of insect larvae, crustaceans and small fish each day.
The amount of food a platypus eats every day depends upon certain factors. An average platypus must eat about 20% of its own weight in food each day. A lactating mother platypus must eat the equivalent of its own weight daily to meet its own energy needs. So, for an average 1kg platypus, not a lactating female, that means it must consume at least 250g of insect larvae, crustaceans and small fish each day.
No. A platypus has no teeth, only grinding plates, and is unable to eat food that has bones. So they wouldn't eat their own young.
The platypus is one mammal which must eat its own weight in food each day.
Pretty much the same stuff that we eat in USA and Canada
The platypus most of its time searching for food as it must eat the equivalent of its own weight daily to meet its own energy needs. So, for an average 1kg platypus, that means it must consume at least a kilogram's worth of insect larvae, crustaceans and small fish each day.
It is illegal to eat platypus.
Yes. As a living creature that is able to move on its own, eat food in order to make energy and to reproduce, the platypus is a member of the animal kingdom.
No. There are no antelope in Australia, which is the natural home of the platypus. Even if there were, it is highly unlikely that an antelope would wish to eat a platypus.
The consumption-to-absorbtion ratio in a platypus is very high. Meaning that is must eat more, so it can gain weight and not be undernourished.
No. Platypuses are carnivores, and will only eat certain foods, but they are not "allergic" to any foods.
No.Whilst the Aborigines no doubt hunted and ate platypuses, it is illegal to eat a platypus now.
No. The platypus does not eat other mammals; nor are there any weasels in Australia.
what does a platypus eat