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Males- From about 7 weeks until they die (or get very ill)

Females- From 5 weeks, once a month and they stop producing either when they are about 2 years old, sometimes younger, sometimes older and sometimes they will die before they stop.

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Q: How often can gerbils reproduce?
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Are gerbils male?

...You are kidding, right? Gerbils are mammals; some of them are male, and some are, well, female. They reproduce the way mammals do.

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Can you have a male and a female in 1 cage?

If you're talking about gerbils, then yes you can. They may reproduce though, if they haven't had the snip.

How often do gerbils have menstrual cycles?

Once a month

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I think gerbils will more often because they are more curious than hamsters.

What are food preference in gerbils?

Most gerbils enjoy sunflower seeds. I've seen them eaten the most out of a mixture and are often preferred.

Do gerbils bite often?

Gerbils may bite occasionally, especially if they feel threatened or scared. However, with proper handling and socialization, most gerbils can be friendly and gentle pets. It's important to approach gerbils calmly and build trust with them to minimize the chances of being bitten.

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