Well, that depends on how often you feed her, and his/her parent's weight.
You should provide plenty of wet egg food, changed daily, or more often in hot weather, seed, and fruit and vegetables. The male will eat the food, and feed the hen.
Many websites tell you what it can or cannot eat "hamsterific.com" I feed mine lettuce occasionally with a grain feed from petsmart.
you feed male cows (bulls) the same thing that you feed female cows so mostly grass.
every day how much u ask is you ask depends on age and how fat they are and how big their cage is because the bigger the cage the big and fatter they get
Well if the dog is 0-1 years old then when you should feed it one cup of wet food.When it is 2-??? you should feed it two cups in the morning and two cups at night.Hope I helped!!!
Yes. Both parents feed the young.
Once the gerbil is pregnant, the male should be put into another cage, away from the female. In fact the female's cage should be in a quiet, isolated place. Then, she is more likely to feed and care for the pups. So, remove the male from the cage ASAP.
Bring your lizard inside. It will be much happier and the other lizards will not terrorize it.