Jus like a real life mommy, they are able to produce milk as ling as the kittens are nursing. When the kittens have reached the appropriate age to be weened YOU have to keep a close eye and try to get your kittens to stop nursing....kittens will start eating the food if you put it out- try to get food meant for kittens or even soft food- not canned for- jus a softer version of dry cat food. Once all of your kittens have eaten regular food- DEF make sure none of them are nursing- then momma cats dries up and all is well!
i think 3
Until it is 6-8 weeks old, since that's when it would normally leave it's mother. Most kittens stop drinking milk a little before then.
maybe after 3 weeks but i wouldn't know
Yes. Definately!
When their fully furred.
Not all cats are good Moms, or, she may not have enough milk, or occluded nipples. Wash her nipples with a warm, damp wascloth to be sure there is no crusty or gooey stuf on her, then give her some brisk belly-rubs to encourage the milk to flow. Then put the kittens on her to nurse. If this doesn't work , you will have to bottle feed the kittens every 2-4 hours. And call the Vet as soon as possible.
Foals stop drinking their mothers milk around six months old.
if the mother is still around and is able to give the kittens milk then dont stop her. supplement milk is no where near as good as mother's milk. it doesnt have the nutrients the kittens need to survive and keep strong. but if you have new borns which dont have a mother or the mother is unable to provide milk then as the vet for help and supplement milk is the only answer.
At two weeks old.
By drinking lots of milk, it strengthen nails
No, spaying a cat will not stop her from feeding her kittens. After a spay surgery, a cat may still lactate for a short period, but she will naturally stop producing milk once she is no longer nursing her kittens.
age 4-5 weeks