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Borax is harmfull if ingested. Natural products can be dangerous.

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Q: If I put the borax and sugar outside to kill the ants and my cat licks it or eats the solution will it harm my cat?
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What is a substitute for borax in crystal growing?

A substitute for borax in crystal growing is a mixture of sugar and water. To create a homemade crystal growing solution, dissolve sugar in hot water until it is fully saturated. Allow the solution to cool and then use it to grow crystals in a similar way as with borax.

How do you mix borax and sugar for roach killer?

You can mix powders of borax and sugar or the solutions.

Why does borax crystal grow faster then sugar?

Because when you mix it the sugar starts to dissolve quicker and borax just sits there

Why was there no sugar at first inside the tubing?

Sugar was absent in the tubing at first because it was in the water solution outside the tubing. Through osmosis, water molecules moved from the tubing, which had lower sugar concentration, into the solution with higher sugar concentration, equilibrating the sugar levels inside and outside the tubing.

What is the texture of the borax?

Borax typically has a powdery texture, similar to that of fine salt or sugar.

How do you use borax to kill ants?

To use borax to kill ants, mix equal parts borax and sugar to attract the ants. Place the mixture in areas where you have seen ant activity. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and take the borax back to their colony, which will eventually kill them.

Can Borax and sugar be used dry to kill ants?

Yes, mixing borax and sugar can effectively kill ants. The sugar attracts the ants and they carry the borax back to their colony, which ultimately poisons them. However, it's important to keep this mixture out of reach of children and pets as borax can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.

Borax and sugar or maple syrup will it hurt cats or dogs if they eat it?

Borax is poisoness to dogs and cats

Will borax and sugar kill mice?

Yes if it is mixed with honey and/or peanut butter. It will kill them. Borax is poisonous if ingested.

Is sugar a solution?

No, sugar is not a solution. Sugar water is a solution of sugar and water, but sugar itself is not.

Is a sugar a solution?

No, sugar is not a solution. Sugar water is a solution of sugar and water, but sugar itself is not.

Why does borax crystals grow faster than sugar crystals?

Borax crystals grow faster than sugar crystals because borax molecules are able to bond and arrange more easily due to their structure, resulting in faster crystal formation. Also, borax solutions tend to be more saturated than sugar solutions, providing more building blocks for crystal growth.