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It is not a sign of pregnancy among dogs. A dry nose can mean dehydration though. Ask a vet for more detail. Also it is in Dogs for Dummies (although the book is not actually for dummies).

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Q: Is a dry nose a sign of pregnancy?
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Dry lips can be a side effect of pregnancy because of horomonal changes.

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The changing levels of hormones and oil production can cause dry skin as an early pregnancy symptom.

Your dogs nose is dry and flakey?

A dog's nose that is dry and flaky could be a sign of allergies, or sensitivity to something in the dogs surroundings. A vet will be able to determine what is bothering the dog.

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no, if they were i would be pregnant, and I'm only 10

What does it mean if your dog does not want to play and her nose is dry?

This is a bad sign, you need to take her to a vet immediately. If her nose is frequently dry she is either de-hydrated or something is very wrong.

Is a puppy with a wet nose a bad thing?

Dogs and cats should have wet noses. A nose that is slightly wet to the touch is a sign of a healthy dog. A dry nose indicates a problem, as does an overly wet or dripping nose.

Why is my dog's nose dry and his pee green?

If your dog's nose is dry, they are probably sick. If the urine is a strange color, then that is a big sign that they are. I am no veterinarian by any stretch of the imagination, but your dog is sick. You should take them to the vet as soon as you can.

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Why is my dog not drinking water when he is otherwise showing no signs of illness?

is his nose wet? if not then take him to the vet immdidately, i would take him to a vet anyway if he doesn't drink water. A wet nose is a sign of healthiness, a dry no is a sign of illness.

Why would a 3 week old puppy have a dry nose?

think it can be a sign of sickness... You might want to check with your vet.