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The noun 'cattle' is a plural uncountable noun (with no singular form), a word for domestic bovines (cows, heifers, steers, bulls, and oxen) held as property or raised for use, regardless of age, gender, type, breed or size. The noun 'cattle' is a type of uncountable noun called an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements.

The term for more than one bovine, is a cow, a heifer, a bull, etc.

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11y ago
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11y ago

The noun 'cattle' is a plural uncountable noun (with no singular form), a word for domestic bovines (cows, heifers, steers, bulls, and oxen) held as property or raised for use, regardless of age, gender, type, breed or size. The noun 'cattle' is a type of uncountable noun called an aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements.

The term for more than one bovine, is a cow, a heifer, a bull, etc.

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7y ago

Cattle can only be used in the plural and not in the singular. This is why people may refer to "three cattle" or "some cattle", but not "one cattle". No universally used singular form in modern English of "cattle" exists, other than the sex-and age-specific terms such as cow, bull, steer and heifer.'

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15y ago

Cattle is plural but a herd is singular (go figure). The herd of cattle is grazing. The cattle are grazing.

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8y ago

The noun "cattle" is only plural, never singular; a plural uncountable noun, a word for domesticated bovines as a group.

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"Cattle" is the plural.

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Is cattle singular plural?

The noun "cattle" is only plural, never singular; a plural uncountable noun, a word for domesticated bovines as a group.

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What part of speech is cattle?

It is a plural noun. It can also be an adjective, as in a cattle ranch.

What kind of noun is cattle?

The noun 'cattle' is a common, concrete, plural noun for bovines kept for the purpose of food or labor animals. The noun 'cattle' is sometimes used as an alternate plural for cows.

What is cattle called if there's more than one?

Cattle is plural. Calf is the singular noun.

What is the singular of plural of cattle?

Cattle is a plural noun, referring to more than one. There is no particular word for a single bovine animal.If you wanted to refer to one animal and still use the term cattle you could say one head of cattle, but even head has a connotation of more than one. The usual method is just to call the animal by its name: cow, bull, bullock, steer, heifer, calf, or so forth.

Is cow singular?

Yes. The plural is Cows or Cattle.

Is the word cattle a plural?

Yes, it is. cow or calf in singular.

When were cattles raised?

CATTLE is the plural for cow. CATTLE are still raised and have been since way before America was discovered.

What is the name of a single cattle?

If you are looking for a cattle Breed, than there is many options.AngusHerefordBrahmanRed AngusShorthornBeefmasterAnd Many More!