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Only put sun block on hairless breeds of cats.

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Q: Should you put sun block on your white cat?
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Why should you put a cat in your box?

i should put a cat in my box so i can play with it.

What should I put on a cat tag?

On a cat tag, you should put the cat's name, your phone number, and any other important contact information. This will help ensure your cat can be returned to you if they get lost.

Should you put water out for the stray cat?

No because it's not you cat. But for me Yes cause i have my own cat.

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You can put your waving Chinese cat anywhere you want to attract good luck.

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You should report it to a vet immediatly.

Your cat is cold should you put it in the oven to warm it up?

look up: "how do you cook cat?" no

When should you put a cat down?

if in pain yes. if not in pain no

What was the Japanese word for white?

White=Shiro however if you put it in front of an object or thing it becomes Shiroi. Example white cat=Shiroi neko

If you wish to cool something by placing it in contact with ice should you put it on top of the ice block or put the ice block on top of it?

Placing the object on top of the ice block is more effective for cooling because direct contact between the object and the cold surface helps transfer heat more efficiently. The ice block will absorb heat from the object more rapidly when placed underneath.

Can you train a cat to come to you?

yes. just get some treat and go on the other side of the room and put your cat in front of you, but at least 10-20 feet away. then call your cat. if they do not come, put some treats on the ground and show them that you put them on the ground. then call your cat. they should come.

How make a cat sleep witch you?

I think the cat should sleep where ever it wants but is you are going to be mean then I suppose everytime the cat is tired put it on your bed.

What should I put on my cat's ID tag?

Your cat's ID tag should include their name, your phone number, and any other relevant contact information in case they get lost.