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American horses, which in turn were descended from horses of North African blood, brought to the New World by the Spanish c.1500

Lamanites = the ancestors of the native American Indian ; is however a myth created by Mormon founding prophet Joseph Smith. Along with the story of the Book of Mormon people who also had steel swords, wheat and a reformed Egyptian written language ...evidences remain hidden since the printing of the book of Mormon c. 1830

The book of Mormon describes a peoples that covered the continent having a metropolis city centre called Zarahemla. The location also an enigma with no geographical location.

I am not sure what the above answer was... Maybe that was what you were talking about, but when i read your question, I thought of laminitis, the hoof problem. Sypmtoms of laminitis include: the pain, the typical laminitis stance (leaning back, keeping weight on heels rather than normal weight bearing position), sunken hairline, wavy growth rings, increased pulse, rotated coffin bone, dropped sole and extended white line. The cause is improper hoof shape with high heels, contrary to common belief that it is toxins, stress, flu, carbohydrate overload, fresh green grass, obesity and infections. Rather, improper hoof shape is the cause, and the other "reasons" are what can trigger it to move into a more severe disease- founder. So if your horse has high heels and the symptoms, he probably has laminitis, or even founder.

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Q: Signs of lamanites on a horse?
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