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A group of sea otters is called a "raft." This is most likely a reference to the appearance of a group of sea otters: When they do congregate, sea otters often rest closely together, their log-like bodies moored one to the other either by holding paws or by anchoring themselves in the same bed of kelp.

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Q: What are a group of sea otter called?
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What is a mother sea otter called?

A female otter is called a bi*ch, a male otter is called a dog and otter young are called pups.

What is otter group called?

It is called a "raft".

Is there an otter species called sea cat?

no,but there is a speicies called sea dog

Where and how often a sea otter sleeps or rests?

a sea otter will rest in the water floating on their backs and that is called rafting.

What is a female otter?

an otter is a sea and land animal Answer: An otter is a mammal which is the largest member of the weasel family. Otters all require proximity of water to live. An otter has a long cylindrical body with a long tail and four legs. It is covered with very dense fur.

What are groups of sea otter called?


Water animal otter?

The water animal otter is also called the sea otter. It weighs between 14 and 45 kg.

What is a baby sea otter called?

Bark Seamson I thought it was called a pup.

What species is the sea otter?

I think mammals... but I am not 100% sure...

Is a sea otter a mammalfishor a invertebrate.?

The sea otter is a mammal and is a vertebrate.

Is a sea Otter a invertebrate?

No, the sea otter is a mammal and all mammals are vertebrates.

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