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Actually you CAN give a Guinea pig a bath but you should not put them back in their cage when they are damp (this is how they get colds).It should be around 50 degrees or higher when you give him/her a bath but be sure to remember to dry your friend with a towel (NO HAIR DRYERS).


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Q: What degrees does it have to be to give guinea pig a bath?
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How often can you give your baby guinea pig a bath?

about once a week

Guinea pig bites?

guinea pigs bite them self because they are itchy SO GIVE THEM A BATH

What happens if you give your guinea pig a shawer 1 a week?

You should not give a guinea pig a shower once a week. I only bath my guinea pigs if they are really in need of a bath or if I'm taking them to a show. I would say a few times a year if you want to bath them, but not once a week

What happens when i don't bath my guinea pig?

It is fine to never bath your guinea pig. They dont need a bath because they clean themselves.

How do you get fleas off of a guinea pig?

you get some medacation or give it a bath with flea shampoo

Why does a gunea pig vibrate when you give it a bath?

Are you sure your guinea pig isn't shivering? Make sure the water is tepid.

Are you allowed to bath your guinea pig?

yes, you should bathe your guinea pig once a month.

Can you give guinea pigs a bath without any special shampoo?

yes you can give a guinea pig a bath with just water but they will not be as clean as when you give them a bath with shampoo and yes they do make special shampoo for guinea pigs don't use normal soap on guinea pigs you can find this special soap at petsmart in the guinea pig area

What soap is best used for guinea pigs to keep them clean and for there hair?

Any guinea pig shampoo should be fine for your guinea pig but you might want to ask your vet, an employee at a pet store, or friends with guinea pigs.

How do you bath a baby 7 week old guinea pig?

I would not recommend giving a guinea pig any younger than 3 months a bath.

How can you make your guinea pig feel comftorable in water?

Guinea pigs dont need a bath because they clean themselves like cats do. Only give them a bath if they go outside and get dirt on them.

How do you know when your guinea pig needs a bath?

when it stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????