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Q: What is the Moral Deplomacy?
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How do you spell deplomacy?

The correct spelling is "diplomacy."

Which best describes an activity of dollar deplomacy?

loaning money to foreign governments

What started terroism?

Its been around for a long time The USA used to call it deplomacy

What is the prefix for moral?

im is a prefix for moral

What was an important element of the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648?

name ; martins adekunbithe element of treaty of westphalia are1 sovereignty of the state2 legal equality of the state3 anti-hegemonic4 non interference into the affairs of other state5 development of mordern deplomacy

A sentence for moral?

A Sentence For Moral: She Went To Her Teacher For Moral Support

What is moral law?

moral damages

What is moral component?

part of moral.

What is moral sensibility?

moral sensibility

What was cotton deplomacy?

Cotton diplomacy refers to the diplomatic methods employed by the South during the American Civil War to coerce Great Britain and France to support the Southern war effort by implementing a cotton trade embargo against Great Britain and Europe

What are moral subjects?

Moral subjects are individuals who are considered capable of experiencing moral emotions and making moral judgments. They possess the capacity for moral agency and are seen as beings deserving of moral consideration and rights. This concept is often central to moral philosophy and ethical debates.

What will you add suffix to the word moral?

The suffix -ity can be added to the adjective 'moral' to form the abstract noun 'morality'.Note: The word 'moral' is an adjective and an abstract noun. The abstract noun 'moral' is a word for the lesson to be learned from a story or an experience; a person's standards of behavior or beliefs; a word for a concept.