Treasure Buddies - 2012 In theaters January 31.
yes feb 2012
The ferrets name in Space Buddies is Gravity.
It wud be an underground movie at 2014
Golden Retriever.
labardor o
Yorkie....they are so cute!!
Treasure Planet is filled with aliens.
Yes the buddies known as b dawg rosebud butterball mudbud and buda have aother party coming up! The add for the movie is already on disney!
Nala is a character in the Disney movie The Lion King. Napoleon the Bloodhound is a character in The Aristocrats. Nakoma is a character in Pocahontas.
The movie Snow Buddies is a continuation of the Air Bud series of films by Disney. This time, the dogs or buddies as they refer to themselves, are in Alaska. They compete in a dog sled race, while making friends and try to make their way back home after the many adventures they find themselves in.