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I Say Watch Their Surrounding And Be Careful

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

At the moment the cheetahs status is vulnerable.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

At the moment its vulnerable.

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Q: What is the cheetah's species survival status?
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The gray wolf is listed as a species of least concern.

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What are the species survival status of the cheetah?

currently on the IUCN red list as Vunerable

What is the wolf's survival status?

The gray wolf is listed as a species of least concern.

Why do cheetahs mate?

The urge to mate and breed is a requirement for the survival of the species. If a specie didn't breed it'd die out after one generation.

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Rhino's are about to become extinct as humans kill them and create medicine from their horns!

Are there cheetahs in Iran?

Yes, they are Asian or Iranian cheetahs and are endangered species.

Do cheetahs prey on cheetahs?

Yes, they would but would'nt because they are the same species.

What species eat cheetahs?


Are Cheetahs an endangered species?
